她是众多旅游和留学者心目中最向往的城市之一,作为日不落帝国的首都,伦敦头上汇聚了众多耀眼的光环。但也有人说,她是个闷骚的城市,她不像纽约,想起来就让人风情无限;也不像北京,骨子里是矜持的正经。 总是以为伦敦就像印象里的英国人,刻板而且乏味。却不想,当你投入其中,却发现她骨子里风骚得很,只是外表很凝重、很正统。 伦敦的时尚、现代是藏在街头巷尾的,看看TATE,就知道什么是现代。而表面上,却是一派古典,这也就愈发使她的现代有味道。 这就是闷骚,比起开放的洋溢风情,更耐人玩味,也更让人迷醉。 The London Eye is 135 meters high, which makes it one the world's tallest observation wheels. It has 32 capsules and carries around 10,000 visitors every day. The London Eye has become the most popular paid-for UK visitor attraction, visited by over 3.5 million people a year. While traveling in complete safety you can see up to 40 kilometers away in all directions from each capsule. 伦敦眼有135米高,是世界上最高的摩天轮之一。它有32个座舱,每天能承载一万人次的游客。伦敦眼是英国最受欢迎的付费旅游项目,每年有3500万人次的游客。坐在座舱中,你可以360度无死角的观看远到40千米开外的景色。 The London Eye really has to be included in a trip to London. Because of the way the capsules are suspended it allows for a full 360-degree panorama when you're at the top of the wheel. Tickets can be booked online, which really is the right thing to do as it saves a lot of time. The queues look long when you arrive, but they move quickly as everyone is issued with a timed ticket. Don't forget your camera! 伦敦眼是必游之地。由于座舱的悬挂方式,当你运行到最高处的时候,你可以看到360度全景。票可以网上预订,这样省时不少。到伦敦眼的时候,你会看到很长的队,但是队伍移动的很快,因为大家都是提前预定好了的。别忘了带上相机哦! The Tower of London is where the Crown Jewels are housed, and they're quite spectacular. It's also where you can stand on the execution site of three English queens! 伦敦塔是加冕珠宝的储存地,这些珠宝都非常璀璨夺目。这里也是三个女王被处决的地方。 The Tower of London was home to the kings and queens of England for many years. (Buckingham Palace has been the official London residence of Britain's sovereign since 1837.) 伦敦塔很多年都是国王王后的住所。(白金汉宫自从1837年正式成为英国君主官方的伦敦住所。) The Tower of London was a prison and many famous prisoners were held there, including Sir Walter Ralegh: he was held in the Bloody Tower for 13 years, but made use of his time by writing The History of the World (published in 1614) and growing tobacco on Tower Green. The Tower of London held prisoners from the middle and upper classes, so there are no dungeons. 伦敦塔过去是个监狱,很多著名的囚犯都被囚禁在这里,包括沃尔特·雷利爵士,他被囚禁在里面长达13年,但是他充分利用时间,在里面写成了世界历史,出版于1614年,并且还在绿塔种植烟草。伦敦塔囚禁的都是中上层阶级的犯人,因此里面没有地牢。 Buckingham Palace is Queen Elizabeth II's official residence and has been the official London residence of Britain's sovereign since 1837. It was once a townhouse owned by the Dukes of Buckingham back in the eighteenth century. George III bought Buckingham House in 1761 for his wife Queen Charlotte to use as a family home near to St James's Palace, where many court functions were held. 白金汉宫是伊丽莎白二世女王的住所,自1837年成为英国君王的官方住处。十八世纪,它曾是白金汉公爵的城邸。乔治三世在1761年为他的妻子夏洛特王后买下了白金汉宫,作为靠近圣詹姆斯宫的家庭住所,圣詹姆斯宫经常主办一些宴会。 The State Rooms at Buckingham Palace have been opened to the public for the Annual Summer opening, in August and September, since 1993, after the fire at Windsor Castle in November 1992. Initially the Summer Opening was considered a way to pay for the damage at Windsor Castle, but it became so popular that The Queen has continued to allow visitors every summer. The Queen is not at Buckingham Palace when it is open to the public--she goes to one of her country residences. 自从1993年以来,白金汉宫的议事厅每年暑假都会向公众开放。刚开始这个开放活动被认为是为了补偿1992年温莎城堡大火所造成的损失,但是这个开放活动太流行了,所以王后决定每年夏天都允许公众参观。议事厅向公众开放的时候王后并不在白金汉宫内,她去她的乡村住所待着。 How could you miss one of the capital's most iconic areas? Come and marvel at Nelson's Column and the four huge lion statues. Feeding the pigeons is now discouraged (due to the spread of diseases), so please don't bring them any treats. 你怎么能错过伦敦最具标志性的区域呢?来感受纳尔逊纪念柱以及四只硕大雄狮雕像的宏伟吧。由于疾病的传染,所以不鼓励喂食鸽子,请不要给它们带食物。 Trafalgar Square was designed by John Nash in the 1820s and constructed in the 1830s. It is both a tourist attraction and the main focus for political demonstrations. Look out for the George Washington Statue and the World's Smallest Police Box, as well as the London Nose. 特拉法加广场是由约翰·纳什在十九世纪二十年代设计的,建设于十九世纪三十年代。它既是一个旅游景点,同时也是一个主要的政治活动中心。注意乔治·华盛顿雕像,还有世界上最小的警察岗亭,以及伦敦的鼻子。 Tate Modern is the national gallery of international modern and contemporary art from 1900 onwards. The gallery opened in 2000 in a converted power station on the south bank of the Thames in an imposing position opposite St. Paul's Cathedral. You can visit again and again as it's free and the modern art displays change quite frequently. You'll often find enormous installations in the Turbine Hall on the ground floor. 泰特现代美术馆收藏有自1900年以来的国际现当代艺术作品。该馆由一个位于泰晤士河南岸的发电站改建而来,正对圣保罗大教堂。你可以随便参观,因为它是免费的,并且里面的艺术作品更新频繁。你会经常在一层的涡轮大厅看到巨大的展示作品。 Near the Natural History Museum and Science Museum in South Kensington, the V&A, as it's known to the locals, is a great museum of art and design and holds over 3,000 years worth of artifacts from many of the world's richest cultures, including the most comprehensive collection of British design and art from 1500 to 1900. There's furniture, ceramics, photography, sculpture, and much more. 在南肯辛顿自然历史博物馆和科学博物馆附近,是著名的维多利亚与艾尔伯特博物馆,简称V&A,V&A是一个艺术设计博物馆,馆藏三千年来世界上许多富裕文化的物品,包括自1500年到1900年英国设计与艺术最全面的作品。馆内有家具,陶瓷制品,照片,雕塑以及其他很多物品。 The Natural History Museum is all about discovering the natural world around us and appeals to all age groups. I remember seeing the dinosaurs when I was five years old, and seeing them now still gives me the same tingle down my spine. The Blue Whale is outrageous to see as you really can't imagine how big a life-size model has to be until you walk underneath it. Don't miss 'The Power Within', where you can experience what an earthquake feels like! 自然历史博物馆是关于我们身边自然世界的探索,老少皆宜。我记得我五岁的时候来看恐龙,现在看它们依然让我毛骨悚然。蓝鲸看起来让人惊讶不已,因为你无法想象它是有多大,除非你走到它下面。不要错过地心的力量,在这里你能经历地震的感觉。 The Houses of Parliament are only a short walk down Whitehall from Trafalgar Square to Parliament Square. The building is stunning from Parliament Square, but it's worth taking a walk over Westminster Bridge and getting the view from the South Bank. Note, Big Ben is actually the name of the bell in the clock tower (St. Stephen's Tower), which chimes every 15 minutes. 从特拉法格广场到议会广场穿过白厅走一小段就到了议会。从议会广场看,议会建筑看起来绝美至极,但是穿过维斯特敏斯特桥从南岸看会更好。注意,大本钟实际上是钟塔上钟的名字,钟塔的名字是圣史蒂芬塔,大本钟没十五分钟响一次。 The British Museum opened in 1753 and prides itself on remaining free ever since then. The British Museum houses more than an incredible 7 million objects, and it would probably take a week to see everything. 大英博物馆自1753年开馆以来,一直坚持免费,这也是它引以为傲的地方。大英博物馆馆藏超过700万件物品,可能要花一星期时间才能全部参观完。 Don't be fooled into thinking the British Museum is full of artifacts from old England. No, in days gone by the English were incredible warriors and the British Museum is full of the treasures the soldiers brought back from distant shores. Those treasures include the Rosetta Stone, an Easter Island statue, and the earliest known image of Christ. 不要以为大英博物馆收藏的都是古代英格兰的物品。过去的岁月中,英国人可是战士。大英博物馆馆藏的都是士兵从遥远的地方带回来的战利品,包括罗塞塔石碑,来自复活节岛的雕像,还有耶稣最早的画像。 This is the place to visit if you're interested in London's history. The Museum of London documents the history of London from prehistoric times right up to today. It's about Londoners as much as the city as the people have made the city what it is today. 如果你对伦敦的历史感兴趣,你一定要去伦敦博物馆。伦敦博物馆记录了从史前至今的伦敦历史。博物馆里面展示的是伦敦人和他们的城市,因为是世世代代的伦敦人成就了这座城市。 本作品未经作者许可不得转载,转载请征求作者意见。擅自转载使用,将保留追究其法律责任的权利! |