《猴子捞月》---带你重温儿时的记忆 文/图small蛐蛐儿 立体书,对我来说是个陌生而又新奇的字眼,儿子不满三岁,虽然家里绘本多,但是对于立体书还没有开始给他买,而对于我这个妈妈,长这么大也是第一次接触到它。小时候更是听都没听过,想想现在的小孩子真是太幸福,各式各样的书都能看到。当在喆妈公益阅读上看到立体书的图片时,一下子就被吸引住了,真的感谢喆妈和猫妈,是她们给了我们这么好的试读机会,让孩子能够接触这么精美的立体书。《猴子捞月》这是一个众所周知的故事,儿时的我们曾经一遍又一遍读过它,不过对于现在已是成人的我们,应该不会有时间在去读它,有时候我甚至觉得自己又随着儿子重新体验了一次童年生活。《猴子捞月》是卡比龙中国经典童话故事立体书系列之一,下面就为大家介绍这个故事。 ![]() ![]() 书名:《猴子捞月》 出版发行:深圳报业集团出版社 开本:889mm*1194mm 故事导读: ![]() 奇怪,小猴子挂在树上做什么呢?荡秋千吗?不,他们在捞月亮呢!月亮好端端的,怎么掉在水中了?后来,小猴子捞到月亮了吗? How strange! Way are the little monkeys hanging upside down from the tree? Swing? No, they’re fishing up the moon! However, there is nothing wrong with the moon. How does it fall into the well? It doesn’t fall into the water at all! What happen later? Do little monkeys catch the moon? 会动的小猴子,又高又大的树,长长的“猴梯”......只要翻动书页,小猴子就快乐地“荡起了秋千;轻轻拉一下箭头,儿子就下去”捞”月亮了。快快翻开这本神奇的立体绘本,一起读读这个有趣的故事吧! The lively monkeys, the big and tall trees, a long “ladder”……Open this book, you will find monkeys playing on a swing happily; monkeys are fishing up the moon while you gently pull out the arrow. Come on! Open this magical pop-up book. Let’s read this interesting story together! 故事内容欣赏: 一个月光明亮的夜晚,一群猴子聚在森林的水井边,快乐地玩耍。 On a moonlight night, a group of monkeys were playing around a well in the forest. ![]() 一只小猴趴在井沿,吃惊地叫起来:“糟了,月亮落水了!” A little monkey was leaning over the well and shouting in surprise, “Oh no! The moon fell into the well!” 大猴子跑过来,朝井里一瞧:果然有个月亮!于是,大猴子子也叫起来:“不好了,不好了,月亮掉在井里了!” An older monkey ran to the well: there was a moon in the well! So the older monkey shouted,“The ,moon fell into the well!” 猴王听到喊声,急忙率领众猴来看—— The king of the monkeys heard the shouting, and went to the well in a hurry with other monkeys. “哎哟,不得了,月亮果真落水了!”众猴顿时大喊大叫,“月亮掉在井里了,快想办法把它捞上来!” “Oh, my god! The moon really fell into the water!” All the monkeys yelled loudly: “The moon fell into the well, let’s try to fish it up.” 猴王转转眼珠,想了个好主意。他跳上井边的大树,两只脚紧勾树枝,身体倒挂,招呼伙伴们:“快,跳上来!” The king of monkeys thought for a while and had a good idea. He jumped onto a big tree near the well, and hung on the tree upside down, with his feet on the branch. He shouted to the other monkeys, Come on, jump up!” 一个、两个、三个……众猴接连倒挂着,手抱住脚,脚勾住手,搭起“猴梯”,一直垂到井里。 One,two,three……all the monkeys made up a “ladder” by hanging upside down one after another, which reached the well. 最小的猴子离井口最近,他伸出手,准备去捞月亮。可是,手刚碰到水,月亮就被抓破了。 The youngest monkey was the nearest one to the well. He held out his arm to reach the moon. However, as soon as he touched the water, the moon broke into pieces. 过了一会儿,井水慢慢平静了,月亮又出现在井里。小猴子高兴地去打捞,可是,月亮又碎了!小猴子捞不着月亮,真是急坏了! After a while, the water became calm, the moon appeared in the well again. The youngest monkey tried to fish it up, but the moon broke into pieces again. The youngest monkey couldn’t make it and felt so anxious. 捞呀捞,猴子们早已累得气喘吁吁。这时,猴王不经意地抬起头,哈哈大笑起来:“哇噢,月亮又回到天上啦!” Keeping to fish the moon up for many times, all the monkeys felt so tired. Suddenly, the king of the monkeys looked at the sky and laughed loudly,“Wow, the moon came back to the sky!” 无论从哪个角度,卡比龙立体书都用心探讨孩子的阅读兴趣,让孩子产生强烈的探索欲望,它用空间为孩子构造氛围,让孩子在这样的环境中寻找藏在立体事物中间的小小细节(因为是立体的,所以每个物品之间都有层次感,而层次中间夹杂有一些需要孩子自己发现的小细节),让孩子专注于发现知识。这样孩子自然会把注意力集中在书上,进行更好的阅读。此外立体书的另一特点是它给孩子的思维中灌输了空间感的概念。也许现在孩子还小,家长不能马上感受到这种概念灌输的直接影响力,但是到孩子开始学习立体几何时,家长会明显发现,小时候阅读立体书的孩子要比没有阅读过立体书的孩子在空间几何上学得要轻松并且优秀,因为立体的概念对于阅读立体书长大的孩子是从小就在脑子里就灌入的概念。 本作品未经作者许可不得转载,转载请征求作者意见。擅自转载使用,将保留追究其法律责任的权利! 评分记录
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